Physics guided by the organised energy field

Physics Guided by the Organized Energy Field

The organized energy field, anchored in the original supersymmetry of matter, spirit, and antimatter, provides the framework for understanding the physical universe. Before the Big Bang, this energy field maintained balance and stability, acting as a virtual cocoon that stored the memory of natural laws, constants, and the blueprint for matter’s organization. This memory ensured the transition from the initial state of symmetry to the structured complexity of the universe after the Big Bang.
Role of the Organized Energy Field in Physics

Unfolding of Natural Forces
Following the Big Bang, the five fundamental forces—gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, and antigravity—emerged from the breakdown of the original symmetry. These forces are guided by the energy field’s memory, ensuring consistency and coherence in their behavior and interactions.

Coherence Between Matter and the organised energy field
Matter’s structure, from atomic to cosmic scales, relies on the energy field for organization. For example, the chemical properties of elements, as illustrated in the periodic table, are influenced not only by electrons and their orbits but also by the spirit’s virtual cocoon. This interaction creates the diversity of physical and chemical phenomena.

Energy, Space, and Time
Space and time unfolded alongside the material universe, driven by the antigravity force, which originates in the antimatter component of the supersymmetry equation. The energy field provides the additional energy required for cosmic inflation and the ongoing expansion of the universe. This expansion reflects the spirit’s intrinsic nature to organize and extend matter.

Quantum Phenomena
At the quantum level, the organized energy field offers insights into phenomena like non-locality and entanglement. For instance, in the EPR (Einstein

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Human consciousness guided by the organised energy field

Human Consciousness Guided by the Organized Energy Field

Before the Big Bang, the universe was in a state of supersymmetry, divided into 1/3 matter, 1/3 spirit, and 1/3 antimatter. The spirit, acting as a stabilizing cocoon, stored the memory of natural laws, constants, and values, serving as a virtual database that enables matter to take form and express itself.

The spirit’s role transcends the physical properties of matter, influencing chemical interactions, heredity, and thought processes. It provides a virtual body or cocoon for matter and life forms, integrating both the material and virtual components of existence. While the material world is observed through sensory input, the spirit overlays this reality, creating a subjective experience influenced by mood, personality, and concentration.

Memory, guided by the spirit, exists in a non-local and virtual state, independent of the brain’s cellular structure. The brain processes sensory impulses, but thoughts and memory are spiritually based, reflecting the spirit’s interaction with the material world. The spiritual dimension shapes our interpretation of reality, linking thoughts and observations through the spirit’s virtual coherence.

The spirit is essential for shaping and structuring the universe, attributing meaning and value to matter. Without the spirit, there would be no life, observation, evolution, energy, or structured matter. The dimensions of matter and spirit are intertwined, forming the foundation of existence and consciousness.

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Chemistry guided by the organized energy field

This chapter explores the relationship between the spirit and chemistry, focusing on how matter and energy interact. It explains that chemical reactions, driven by the exchange of electrons, lead to the creation of stable structures, with elements from the periodic table reacting to form more balanced and stable electron clouds. The presence of extra energy can change the state of matter, while maintaining its fundamental properties.
The chapter discusses the predictability of matter’s behavior despite the dynamic nature of quantum mechanics. It emphasizes that while elements share a basic structure (protons, neutrons, and electrons), their unique properties arise from their specific compositions. The “spirit” is said to control these processes, providing matter with identity and memory. For example, sodium chloride becomes salt because its physical properties align with its “spirit number.” The spirit is also responsible for the stability and cooperation between elements, particularly in biochemical reactions.
It further explains that the spirit plays a role in maintaining the super symmetry of matter and antimatter, guiding evolution at the level of organic biochemical relationships. By combining different elements, new identities and behaviors emerge, creating a diverse range of matter and characteristics that behaves predictably. The spirit, in this context, stabilizes and gives identity to matter, creating a deeper, universal structure beyond just physical properties.

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Biology guided by the organized energy field

This chapter discusses the evolution of life from simple one-cell organisms to the complex diversity of plants and animals, including humans. It emphasizes the immense timescale of evolution, highlighting the complexity and resilience of natural forms of life. While some people believe that the intricacy of life must be attributed to a divine creator, the chapter explores how evolution works through mutations and natural selection, where beneficial mutations are passed down.
The chapter also focuses on the interdependence of species in nature, such as food chains that regulate the health and balance of ecosystems. Cooperation between species, both on a micro and macro level, contributes to the sustainability of habitats, with factors like water, temperature, and nutrient balance playing critical roles.
It argues that the complexity of ecological systems cannot be solely explained by genetic evolution and mutation but also involves ecological cooperation and spiritual influences. Human actions, which often prioritize personal gain over ecological balance, can disrupt this delicate system. Ultimately, the chapter suggests that nature’s harmony and evolution are too sophisticated to be solely the result of random mutations, proposing that both spiritual and material memories work together to sustain life.

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5 % real matter,5 % real DNA,5 % conscience guided by the organized energy field

5 % real matter , 5 % real DNA , 5 % conscience guided by the organized energy field
The new hidden variables interpretation of
In quantum theory, reality is fundamentally different from classical physics, which assumes an observer-independent reality and continuous variables. Quantum mechanics asserts that physical quantities vary in discrete steps and cannot be observed without influencing the phenomenon. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states a minimum uncertainty in simultaneous measurements of quantities like position and momentum.
This principle implies that fundamental processes in nature are probabilistic rather than deterministic, contrasting sharply with classical physics. Quantum mechanics describes particles in terms of probability, with the uncertainty in one quantity increasing if the uncertainty in another decreases.
Albert Einstein objected to this probabilistic nature, proposing hidden variables to restore determinism, but experimental evidence supporting quantum entanglement has largely refuted this.
This new perspective integrates consciousness (observing organized energy fields) and unconsciousness (organized energy fields) with quantum mechanics, relativity, and evolutionary theory.

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Quantum mechanics guided by the organized energy field

Quantum mechanics and the organized energy field
In this section, the complexity of quantum mechanics and its challenges are explored within the framework of the organized energy field. Quantum phenomena like the duality of matter, uncertainty principle, and observer effect are discussed, suggesting that the organized energy field could explain these phenomena. Relativity, gravity, and anti-gravity are also addressed, with a focus on their complementary roles in space and time. The merging of space and time, particle-wave duality, and the organized energy field as a ‘cocoon of matter’ are highlighted as essential for evolution. Phase transitions between dimensions and information processing through waves and interference holograms are discussed within the uncertain domain of quantum mechanics. The role of the observer, both at the quantum and macro levels, is emphasized, suggesting a subjective influence on matter. Overall, the section explores the interplay between quantum mechanics, relativity, and the organized energy field, proposing new insights into the nature of reality.

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Bohm….The hidden order within the organized energy field

Bohm….The hidden order within the organized energy field
The chapter explores the concept of the organized energy field across various levels of nature and the universe. It discusses how quantum mechanics has reshaped our understanding of the atomic world, introducing ideas like the uncertainty principle and particle non-locality. Despite advancements, questions remain about the role of the observer and the organized energy field’s function as an information carrier. It suggests that this field encodes fundamental relationships and universal laws, bridging matter and facilitating communication across vast distances. The text also touches on non-locality, hidden variables, and the quantum potential, proposing that the organized energy field serves as a hidden information carrier. It highlights the consistency of these concepts with relativity and their role in maintaining coherence among all matter. Additionally, it addresses the universal values stored within the organized energy field and their significance in shaping the universe’s development. However, the origin of organic consciousness remains elusive within this framework. Despite ongoing exploration, fundamental questions about the universe and consciousness persist.

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Structure of the organized energy field

Structure of the organized energy field
The concept of the organized energy field is explored in this text, highlighting its role in maintaining stability between matter and antimatter and enabling the evolution of the universe. Despite its significance, traditional scientific frameworks struggle to fully accommodate this concept, leading it to be labeled as mystical or metaphysical. The organized energy field is seen as a fundamental force, influencing the balance between matter and antimatter and facilitating progress and evolution. It is suggested that this field played a crucial role before and during the Big Bang, ensuring a balanced mix of natural forces and constants necessary for the universe’s development. The organized energy field is described as elemental and fundamental, serving as a protective layer between matter and antimatter and enabling information transfer and stabilization. Despite being beyond strict scientific quantification, its presence is undeniable and essential to understanding the universe’s complexities.

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The true nature of the Higgs / God’s boson

The Higgs boson, discovered in 2012 at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, is a pivotal component of the Standard Model of particle physics. It plays a crucial role in our understanding of the Big Bang and the origin of mass in the universe.

Shortly after the Big Bang, particles were massless due to the extreme temperature and energy of the universe. However, the Higgs mechanism, involving the Higgs field and its associated boson, allowed particles like quarks and leptons to acquire mass. The Higgs field permeates the universe, imparting resistance to particles as they move through it, effectively creating mass.

As the universe cooled after the Big Bang, the Higgs field underwent a phase transition, leading to the formation of mass for elementary particles. The Higgs boson, with a mass of 125, played a significant role in this process, acting as a refractive index for supersymmetry and influencing the breakdown trajectory of the universe’s supersymmetry.

The Higgs boson’s operational field aligns with that of the electromagnetic force, with fewer particles bound by bosons resulting in stronger binding forces. The weak nuclear force, an outlier, distributes its forces over 12 fermions, including quarks and leptons, and requires W+, W-, and Z bosons with mass.

The ratios 3-6-9 are prominent in the standard model and in time measurement on Earth. After the symmetry break in the organized energy field, these ratios emerge, with the Higgs particle contributing to the distribution of mass and force microscopically and influencing macro-matter distribution, including dark matter and dark energy.

The synchronicity of 3-6-9 extends to the logo and time scales on Earth, demonstrating surprising symmetry ratios with circle circumference and content.

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7 steps to understand the universe on a new way

The image presented here illustrates the entangled structure of the Pre-Big Bang era and the unknown structure of a black hole, shedding light on various cosmological mysteries.

Pre-Big Bang Structure:
The image depicts a schematic model of the Pre-Big Bang period, where matter and antimatter are safely separated by a protective layer of organized memory energy. This organized memory energy acts as a historical record of the universe’s evolution. Within this structure, space and time dimensions are entangled, and the forms of quarks, leptons, and bosons exist within the circle of organized memory energy. This arrangement resembles a holographic mirror symmetry, reflecting matter and antimatter with a protective shell of memory energy in between.

Black Hole Structure:
Similarly, the image outlines the structure of a black hole, akin to the Pre-Big Bang singularity. Within this model, the holographic mirror symmetry returns to its primal source to renew the organized memory energy. Circles within the black hole depict various components, including matter, dark matter, organized memory energy, dark energy, antimatter, and dark antimatter. These elements are enclosed within separate circles, with dark matter and dark energy residing within the confines of the black hole. The image suggests that dark matter and energy are essential for cosmological models, despite their mysterious nature.

Overall, the image offers insights into the complex interplay of matter, antimatter, memory energy, and cosmological phenomena like black holes, contributing to our understanding of the universe’s evolution and structure.

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